Research Group Dingfelder (SILAB)

Group leader: Prof. Dr. Jochen Dingfelder
Research focus
Prof. Dingfelder's group is actively engaged in the development of semiconductor pixel detectors in our Silicon Lab (SILAB) at the FTD. We have made significant contributions to the development and construction of the pixel detector for the Inner Tracker (ITk) upgrade of the ATLAS experiment and the DEPFET pixel detector for the Belle II experiment. In addition, we pursue various R&D projects, for instance in the areas of monolithic CMOS pixel detectors or thin hybrid detectors. Our group has a long-standing tradition in ASIC design for particle-physics experiments (ATLAS pixel detector, ATLAS ITk upgrade as part of the RD53 collaboration, Belle II) and applications outside of particle physics (e.g. X-ray imaging, fast electron imaging).
Our current research areas are:
- ATLAS ITk upgrade: Module construction, testing, and characterization, hybridization
- Belle II DEPFET pixel detector
- Monolithic active pixel sensors (DMAPS) in LFoundry 150 nm and TowerJazz 180 nm technologies
- Large-area passive CMOS sensors
- All-silicon module development
- Thin hybrid detectors using new interconnection methods (Wafer-to-wafer bonding)
- Imaging applications, e.g. X-ray/synchrotron radiation imaging (CoRDIA), fast electron imaging (EDET)